Medicine of the times of Rus


  • A.S. Saulyak


medicine; disease; medicine; methods of treatment


The article analyzes the state of medicine in the days of Russia. It is noted that without a rational explanation of the cause of the disease, the people of that time were inclined to think about the influence of «unclean». A qualitatively new stage in the development of medicine in Russia was associated with the adoption of Christianity and the spread of book knowledge, especially from the Byzantine Empire. It is shown that healers, healers, monks practiced medicine, and almost every inhabitant of Russia understood the traditional methods of overcoming diseases. Doctors provided care to patients regardless of their social status. The most common methods of treatment are described, among which historical sources mention herbal treatment, the use of substances of animal origin, massage, conspiracies and others


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Історія та міжнародні відносини