The subjects of ensuring of the unity of judicial practice


  • D.L. Drach


unity of judicial practice; national judicial authorities; international judicial authorities; powers of judicial authorities; officials of judicial authorities


The article is dedicated on researching of the authorities that ensure the unity of judicial practice. The role of concrete judicial authorities in ensuring of the unity of judicial practice is comprehended with using of general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, dialectical, system-structural methods); the powers of structural units and separate officials of judicial authorities in the field of ensuring of the unity of judicial practice are analyzed with using of private scientific methods (legal modeling, formal and legal method); special methods (cybernetic, synergistic methods) are used for finding out of features of interaction of judicial authorities with aim of ensuring of the unity of judicial practice. It is comprehended the components of system of authorities that ensure the unity of judicial practice, the functional purpose and appropriate powers of judicial authorities, their structural units and separate officials in the field of ensuring of the unity of judicial practice are defined, and the features of interaction of such judicial authorities are analyzed.


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