Algorithm for studying the anthropomorphic code of culture in Ukrainian phraseology: applied aspect


  • O.S. Mishchenko


anthropomorphic culture code; linguistic database; project table; culture subcode; phraseological unit


The Anthropomorphic Culture Code (ACC) is positioned as a basic cultural code. The qualification features of the ACC in modern linguistics are characterized. The description of the specifics of the ACC in phraseology is carried out using the method of thematic fields. With this approach, the phraseosemantic field correlates with a certain culture code (anthropomorphic), and the phraseosemantic group – with the culture subcode. The algorithm of studying the ACC in Ukrainian phraseology with the design for the linguistic database has been worked out: 1) the selection of indicators of the anthropomorphic code of culture in the source database; 2) division into subcodes based on the ideographic classification of the ACC indicators; 3) filling phraseosemantic groups with illustrative material; 4) the conclusion of the design table for the linguistic database of the analyzed culture code. The design table represents the infological stage of the conclusion of the linguistic database.


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