Some components of the model of Ukraine's approach to the EU
European integration; European Union; model of European integration; legal framework; social guidelines; values of democracy; gender equality; human rightsAbstract
The article highlights the main points on the way of Ukraine's approach to the EU since the beginning of the declaration of independence. The main mechanism of Ukraine's approach to the EU is the Legal Legislation, the features of which are highlighted in the article. Trends and prospects of development of relations between Ukraine and the EU using scenario analysis are considered. The development of the rule of law and civil society in Ukraine through the involvement of European experience and the search for ways to solve problems of integration processes in the economic and political space is presented. The article focuses on the implementation of a practical step in reforms - draft laws against sexism, full liberalization of trade in services between Ukraine and the European Union and full integration of Ukraine into the internal market of the European Union.
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