Ensuring national security in the process of implementing the state policy of Ukraine


  • O.V. Stovbun


nationalsecurity; publicpolicy; modernproblems; priorities; foreignpolicy; diplomacy


The article considers topical issues of national security in the implementation of state policy of Ukraine. The basic principles of state policy in the field of national security are considered. The reasons for the existence of contradictions in the interaction of public authorities in the field of national security have been identified. Effective cooperation of public authorities in the field of national security requires the improvement of legal and organizational support, as well as the formation of interstate targeted programs in the field of international information security, in the implementation of which Ukraine participates. The need to develop relations with the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Germany, France, other countries, as well as with international organizations in order to ensure international security. The author concludes that a deep restructuring of Ukraine's military security system is needed, which will be based on improving the legislative framework of Ukraine and the practical activities of public authorities.


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