Mathematical simulation of blood movement in vessels


  • A.V. Markushevska


vascular blood flow; blood pressure; systolic phase; diastolic phase; hydraulic resistance; differential equations


This study provides information on the mechanics of blood flow through blood vessels, namely the change in blood pressure in blood vessels during the diastolic and systolic phases. The methodological basis of the work is a systematic approach, the principle of scientific objectivity, a critical approach to the source base of work. The specificity of the research topic involves the use of methods for solving ordinary differential equations to describe changes in human blood pressure and its effect on the body.


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Біофізика і біомеханіка: підручник/ В. С. Антонюк, М. О. Бондаренко, В. А. Ващенко та ін. К.: НТУУ «КПІ», 2017. С. 250–252.





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