Studies Іn Silico features of functioning and structure of the erythrocytic metabolic network in combination with the methionine cycle


  • S.V. Fedorov


erythrocytes; methionine; homocysteine; model; SAM


This study provides information about biochemical processes in the mature erythrocyte. The aim of the work was to develop a mathematical metabolic model of erythrocytes, which would include little-studied metabolic pathways: homocysteine, methionine, folate, while fully taking into account all known features of the biochemical composition of erythrocytes. The developed metabolic mathematical model consists of three cycles: the cycle of adenine nucleotide metabolism, the cycle of glutathione synthesis and the cycle of methionine based on exact kinetic equations in the COPASI program. The effect of methionine and oxidative stress on the distribution of metabolic flows in erythrocytes was studied using simulations.


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