Tanks of the Second World War in Soviet cinema 1945-1955 (on the example of the films «Battle of Stalingrad», «In the mountains of Yugoslavia», «Fall of Berlin»)


  • A.S. Derevyanko


Second World War II; tank; Soviet cinema


The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the image of Soviet and German armored vehicles of the Second World War in the Soviet cinema of the first postwar decade. The source base is represented by films, which is due to the specifics of the study. The methodological basis of the work is the principles of historicism and objectivity, methods: chronological, historical comparative, content analysis. The use of images of technology to create a visual image of war, support for the narrative of the invincibility of the Red Army is justified. It is established that since the Soviet cinema of 1945-195 5years involved armored vehicles that took part in hostilities, and due to the fact that this was the first postwar decade, there are no inaccuracies in the depiction of tanks. It was found that errors are encountered when comparing the chronology of events and the depicted armored vehicles.


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