The situation of the Jewish community in Bukovina in the post-war period


  • O.O. Isupova


ethnic history; Jewish ethnic community; Jewish community; Bukovyna; Ukraine


The study examines the Jewish ethnic community of Bukovina, the fate of Jews in the postwar period. We focused on studying the fate of specific individuals from the Jewish community, finding out through their memoirs the socio-economic situation, the priorities of public life under Soviet rule. The number, age, and migration trends of the Jewish population were clarified. The factors and directions of activity of the Jewish community of Bukovina in the post-war period are revealed, the state of social and political life of the Jewish communities in the studied period is clarified.
The research methods that have significantly helped in the study of the history of the Jews of Bukovina are the methods of historicism, retrospectives and perspectives used to reconstruct historical events and the quantitativestatistical method for analyzing materials related to ethno-demographic processes.


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