The Russian Federation policy towards Afghanistan through the foreign media prism
policy; Russian Federation; Afghanistan; media imageAbstract
The article considers the Russian Federation policy towards Afghanistan, in particular, a brief historical overview and the events of 2021, and analyzes the associated media image of the state in the international media. Among the research methods, a comparative method and a case method were used. In the course of the study, it can be concluded that today there is a controversial, but pragmatic policy of Russia towards Afghanistan, which was clearly manifested in 2021 after the withdrawal of US troops from the state and the coming to power of an unrecognized government. This problem has a prehistory and a modern aspect, containing many dimensions that allow to fully reveal the issues and their origins. As a result of Russia’s behavior towards Afghanistan, a predominantly negative state image has become stronger on the pages of the world media, which broadcasts outside and forms public opinion about the Russian Federation abroad.
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