Ідентифікація середнього класу при визначенні привабливості країн світу як елемент міжнародного маркетингу
middle class; class structure; stratification of society; identification of middle class; international marketingAbstract
This article examines the problems of identification of the middle class, which distorts the objective
assessment of class division both in the international arena and at the national level of Ukraine. Foreign approaches
and methods of middle class identification in the context of international marketing are considered. The analysis of
the current state of the class structure in Ukraine is carried out. The result of the study is to determine the problem
model of middle class identification on the example of Ukraine, taking into account the shortcomings used in
international marketing. The factors that determine the blurring of the boundaries between the social stratification of
society by geographical features, purchasing power and “shadowing” of incomes of the employed population are
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