Peculiarities of the Translation of Metominy as a Lexical Stylistic Means of Expressiveness (Based on the Film Text of the Novel by J.K.Rowling “HarryParter and the Chamber of Secrets”)


  • A.A. Bezveniuk


lexical stylistic means of expression; film text; metonymy; translation


The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the metonymy translation on the material of the English-language film text of J. Rowling's novel “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”. The relevance of the chosen topic is caused by the little study of the use of lexical stylistic means of expression in the film texts of screened novels and the need for further study of the peculiarities of their use and methods of translation. The paper highlights the concepts of the metonymy and the film text, as well as identifies the ways to translate the metonymy in English, including: complete translation, structural and semantic transformation, functional and metonymic substitution. Based on the comparative method of lexical stylistic analysis, examples of metonymic units and their translation into Ukrainian are analyzed.


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