Creolized advertising text as a special type of text. Linguistic, stylistic and structural features of creolized texts of English language cosmetics advertising
creolized text; advertising; verbal and nonverbal components; stylistic means of influenceAbstract
This paper examines the English creolized texts of cosmetics advertising as a special type of text, its structure and impact on the recipient. Text of cosmetics advertising is considered as an example of a complex linguistic and visual phenomena, which is represented by two co-dependent parts: verbal and nonverbal. In the given paper the author identifies and describes a system of means aimed at forming the effects of emotional involvement of the recipient and gradually increase of his attention. The verbal structure of the cosmetics advertising text is based on the type of product, the target audience, and the desired goal. Crucial verbal means of creating the effect of emotional involvement include words with a semantic component of intellectual and aesthetic assessment, abstract nouns, adjectives in comparative and superlative degree, interrogative and imperative sentences. It is worth pointing out that nonverbal components are as important as verbal ones. They create growth of interest to the product. A certain attractive visual image of the product is formed in the mind of the recipient with the help of visual components, such as colour, illustration, and font. The author strives to demonstrate that the image supports the verbal information contained in the advertising text. The work has theoretical and practical value for further research in this field.
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