Morphological means of expression of the evaluation category in English


  • H.V. Kysliakova


evaluation; emotions; category; morphology; affixation


The research is devoted to the peculiarities of morphological means of expression of the evaluation category in English. The following methods were used in the study: definition and component analysis – to determine the elementary sem; distributive and contextual – to clarify the lexico-syntactic compatibility of words; word-forming – to establish word-formation models and their structural types; descriptive method – for a comprehensive presentation of research results. Depending on the situation, the status of participants in communication and other linguistic and extralinguistic factors, vocabulary can have different degrees of saturation and intensity. A common means of expressing the category of evaluation is affixation – the most productive means of word formation in English. Various stylistically colored prefixes, suffixes and negative particles allow speakers to express their own opinion, attitude to certain things and ideas about the world.


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