Prospects for the development of united territorial communities in Ukraine


  • S.V. Lypova


decentralization; territorial communities; regional development; regulatory framework; reform


The study provides information on the nature and features of the reforms to decentralize state power in Ukraine at the territorial (regional) level, through the introduction of united territorial communities. The ways and directions of possible perspective development of united territorial communities in Ukraine are outlined. Their main features and obstacles to effective formation and functioning are identified. The problems of OTG development today are primarily due to the war between Ukraine and fascist Russia, which slows down their progressive development. The methodological basis of the article is a systematic approach, the principle of objectivity, critical and structuralsystematic approach to the literature and source base.
The specifics of the research topic involve the use of formal-legal method, which allows to identify the origins and assess the development of legal framework for the formation of united territorial communities and logicalanalytical method that predicts possible future directions of development of united territorial communities in Ukraine.


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