Eimeriosis of turkeys: distribution, pathogenesis and control measures


  • T. I. Malova


eimeriosis; turkeys; spreading; pathogenesis; experimental infecting


The article is devoted to the study of eimeriosis of turkeys. The pathogen is localized in the epithelial cells of the yellow cell in the intestines of birds, as well as in the epithelium of the bile ducts in birds. The average mortality rate in adults is 79 % and in juveniles 87 %. Without the spread of turkey eimeriosis, there are issues that are still poorly understood. For example, clinical signs of subacute and acute spontaneous invasion, morphological and biochemical parameters of blood, pathological and anatomical and histomorphological changes in turkeys. That is why it encourages researchers to study the pathogenesis and search for new, more effective, scientifically and economically sound methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of eimeriosis.


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