Brexit and the special relationship between the United States and Great Britain
Brexit; USA; Great Britain; European Union; transatlantic relationsAbstract
After World War II, the United Kingdom served as a transatlantic bridge between the United States and Europe and a conduit for US influence in European affairs. After joining the EU, Britain became one of the main contributors to the foreign policy, security and defense policy of the European Union. The withdrawal of Great Britain from the EU in 2020 became an important milestone in European politics. Britain's decision to leave the European Union has raised questions about the likely consequences of Brexit for transatlantic relations and the European balance of power. Brexit entails multifaceted changes in Britain's global position, in particular, new nuances in its relations with the United States and European partners. These changes cover a wide range of political, defense, security and economic issues. They fueled debate over the tilt of British strategy towards the Indo-Pacific region and Britain's future engagement with its US ally and the EU. By examining the evolution of Washington–London–Brussels relations since the Brexit referendum, this article explores trends in the interaction of these key players that reflect their visions of the post-Brexit reality.
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