Holodomor in Vinnytsia region: "dry" statistics and "live" testimonies
Holodomor; number of victims; Vinnytsia regionAbstract
The article analyzes the number of victims of the Holodomor of 1932–1933 in the Vinnytsia region in the scientific literature. The problem of reflecting the events of the Holodomor in statistical sources and personal eyewitness accounts is studied. By analyzing «dry» statistics and «live» testimonies, various aspects of this tragic event that took place in 1932–1933 are considered. Statistical data provide an objective view of the scale of the Holodomor and its impact on the population of Vinnytsia region. At the same time, the living testimonies of survivors of this terrible event help to recreate the history and suffering of the people who became victims of the Holodomor of 1932–1933.
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