Nationalism and Patriotism: the views of archbishop Liubomyr Huzar
Nationalism; patriotism; Liubomyr Huzar; Christian values; identityAbstract
This article explores the timely topic of nationalism and patriotism in the context of the people Ukraine. It analyzes the importance of distinguishing between these concepts and emphasizes the necessity of patriotism grounded in the principles of Christian love and compassion for all people as a positive alternative to nationalism, which can lead to conflicts and hostility. The author analyzes the views of Archbishop Lyubomyr Husar on this subject and underscores the importance of instilling high moral values, readiness for sacrifice, and love for one’s homeland. Lyubomyr Husar advocates for the development of harmonious patriotism, which, in turn, can contribute to national unity and the preservation of Ukrainian identity.
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