Fear Metaphor Modeling in the Modern English Gothic Text (based on the Novels "Bitter Orange" by Claire Fuller and "The Beloved Girls" by Harriet Evans)


  • R.O. Didusenko


metaphor; fear; gothic novel; semantics; linguistics


The article is devoted to the analysis of semantic and pragmatic peculiarities of modeling the metaphor of fear in English literary texts. The main focus is on the novels «Bitter Orange» by Claire Fuller and «The Butterfly Summer» by Harriet Evans. The Gothic novel is famous for its ability to create an atmosphere of fear, horror, and mystery, focusing on the motifs of the supernatural and mystical. The article reveals the key aspects of the role of metaphor in the Gothic novel. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the realization of the concept of «fear» in the selected novels, in particular, the nominative field of this concept and «classifier words» that describe the feeling of fear.


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