Social and political issues in the novels of Pavel Volvach


  • I.S. Koretska


P. Volvach; autobiography; socio-political issues; era


The article analyzes the socio-political issues of P. Volvach’s novelistics. Attention is paid to its place in the structuring of the autobiographical discourse of the novels «Klyasa», «Khreshchatyk Plaza» and «Dreams of a Neophyte». The socio-political problems identified by P. Volvach in his works are differentiated. The main artistic aspects of the reproduction of socio-political issues in the researched novels are determined.
The scientific novelty of the research consists in the study of socio-political issues of P. Volvach’s novelistics as a means of structuring his autobiographical discourse.
The theoretical significance of the study: the theoretical aspects of the genre of the industrial novel are summarized, the literary experience of studying P. Volvach’s prose is collected.
The practical significance of the obtained results is reduced to the fact that they are a step towards the study of P. Volvach’s prose, which is currently insufficiently researched. In particular, the study of socio-political issues in the author’s novels allows us to talk not only about the structure of autobiography in his work, but also about P. Volvach’s personality and his attitude to the era in which he lived and worked.
The material of the research is the novels of P. Volvach «Klyasa», «Khreshchatyk Plaza» and «Dreams of a Neophyte».
The following research methods were used: comparative, sociological, biographical, philological.


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