The image of "technological warfare" in the context of historical analogies
classifications of wars; «technological» war; image of war; information technologies; cyber warAbstract
The article examines the problem of conceptualizing the image of war through the prism of historical analogies. It is emphasized that the modernization of weapons, the armed forces, the influence of information technologies and new threats change the semantic framework of armed conflicts. In particular, the aspects of information warfare and cyber warfare were considered, and an analysis of modern changes in the management of troops and methods of communication was carried out. The main findings reveal the significant impact of information technology on the effectiveness of military operations and the promotion of the global character of war. In the era of globalization, when any local war has consequences on a global scale, it is necessary to review the concepts characterizing armed conflicts in order to better understand their content. This is necessary for the correct definition and interpretation, for forecasting and assessment of the consequences caused by them, which is especially important in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war.
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