Construction of a low-budget portable air dust monitoring system based on a smartphone


  • P.V. Kalinskyi


пил; оптичний пиломір; аерозолі; ESP32-S; моніторинг повітря


The presence of dust particles in the air in concentrations exceeding the norm can have a significant negative impact on human health. The task of air quality monitoring is extremely important in the urban environment. The article presents the results of the development of an inexpensive portable wireless system for measuring the density of dust in the air. The device is built on the basis of an optical analog sensor of the density of dust particles Sharp GP2Y1010AU0F. Data collection, linking to current GPS coordinates and control of the monitoring system is carried out using a smartphone. Digitization of the dust sensor signal, their primary processing and wireless communication between the smartphone and the monitoring system is carried out by the ESP32-S microcontroller. The results of testing the system for creating pollution maps in the city of Vinnytsia are demonstrated.


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