Change in growth parameters of Sapsicum annuum L. cv Lumina under conditions of seed irradiation with LED laser systems


  • B.О. Rohozhuk


laser irradiation; Sapsicum annuum L. cv Lumina; growth indicators


The work analyzes the effect of laser irradiation on the similarity and growth parameters of pepper. The influence of laser irradiation of seeds with red and blue light on growth indicators is determined. In the experiments, LED lasers were used, characterized by coherent monochromatic radiation of red (635 nm) and blue (405 nm) light. The radiation power is 100 mW. The study used seeds of Sapsicum annuum L. cv Lumina. It is established that the influence of laser irradiation of seeds on germination and early growth indicators of the studied species is probable by two-fold irradiation with red and blue light.


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