Laboratory diagnosis of piroplasmidoses in domestic animals


  • B.V. Tkachuk


babesia; piroplasmosis; hemolytic; jaundice; anemia; diagnosis; etiology; ticks; dogs; cats; prevention


Piroplasmosis is a group of parasitic diseases affecting domestic animals, including dogs, cats, and other mammals. It poses a significant challenge for veterinary medicine and agriculture. These diseases lead to anemia, jaundice of mucous membranes, and other systemic disorders. Babesia parasites cause the destruction of red blood cells, resulting in the release of hemoglobin, which is converted into bilirubin and can lead to jaundice. Research on the life cycle and diagnostic methods is crucial for piroplasmosis control. Prevention and treatment are critical for the health of domestic animals and reducing potential threats to humans.


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Протозойні та окремі прокаріотні хвороби собак і котів: навчальний посіб ник. Харків. Видавець: О. А. Мірошниченко, 2021. 168 с. ISBN: 978-617-7618-71-2.

ESCCAP. Контроль трансмісивних хвороб собак та котів. URL: fsmik1sd_1138_ESCCAP_GL5__UA_v2_1p.pdf





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