Factors strengthening the subjectivity of Sub-Saharan African states in international relations and their main challenges


  • S.S. Yurchak Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса


Sub-Saharan Africa, South Africa, Ethiopia, Kenya, Global South


In recent times, Sub-Saharan Africa has increasingly captured the attention of the most influential actors of the international community, amplifying its standing in political, economic, and even security dimensions. Notably, states such as South Africa, Ethiopia, and Kenya have become important players in shaping the regional political landscape and active participants in various global processes. Their economic and resource potential, along with foreign policy ambitions, encourage them to engage more actively in international affairs. Despite certain achievements, these countries face serious challenges, including political instability, economic inequality, and social discord. This article examines the key factors contributing to the rise of the most prominent representatives of the Sub-Saharan region on the international stage, as well as the challenges to confront.


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