CVP-analysis as a method of systematic study of the interrelationship of costs, volume of activity and profit


  • V.S. Vinidiktova Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса


CVP analysis, costs, volume of activity, profit, break-even point, fixed costs, variable costs, management approach


In this article, CVP analysis is considered as an effective method of systematic study of the relationship between costs, volume of activity and profit. Its key concepts are analyzed, in particular, the determination of the breakeven point, the analysis of the impact of changes in costs and production volumes on the profitability of the enterprise. Particular attention is paid to the shortcomings of the traditional approach to CVP analysis. A managerial approach is proposed, which provides a more flexible and accurate reflection of the real conditions of entrepreneurial activity, as well as the prospects of its application in the conditions of a modern market economy.


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