Peculiarities of the formation of the revenue part of the budget in the Vinnytsia region
the budget of the Vinnytsia region, the revenue part of the budget, tax revenues, budget policy, regional finances, local budgets, state finances, fiscal decentralization, the economy of the region. budget revenuesAbstract
Formation of budget revenues of the Vinnytsia region is a complex process based on economic, social and political factors. The main sources of revenue are tax revenues, including personal income tax (PIT), local taxes and fees, and extrabudgetary transfers. Decentralization reforms have played an important role in strengthening local financial autonomy by giving communities more control over their financial resources. However, they still depend on government subsidies and grants, especially for social programs and infrastructure projects. The agricultural sector plays an important role and provides a significant share of income, but at the same time remains vulnerable to external factors. Military actions in 2022–2023 also had a significant impact on the economy region and budget revenues, which required additional support from the state budget.
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