Features of creating adaptive sites
responsive design, web design, mobile devices, optimizationAbstract
The study presents information about responsive web design and its significance in modern web development. The main principles of responsive design, such as the use of media queries, flexbox, grid systems, and relative units of measurement for creating websites that display correctly across different devices, are discussed. Special attention is given to the role of responsive images and interface optimization for mobile and desktop users. The methodological foundation of the work is a systematic approach, scientific objectivity, and a structural-systemic analysis of modern web design technologies. A comparative method is used to analyze various approaches to responsive design and their impact on user experience.
Using media queries. URL: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_media_queries/Using_media_queries
Перевірка адаптивності сайту за допомогою браузера. Webtune. URL: https://webtune.com.ua/statti/internetmarketing/yak-pereviryty-adaptyvnist-za-dopomogoyu-brauzera/
Flexbox. URL: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/CSS/CSS_layout/Flexbox
Що таке адаптивний дизайн сайту та як його зробити. HOSTiQ.ua. 20.09.2023. URL: https://hostiq.ua/blog/ ukr/adaptive-design/
Адаптивність зображень та відео. URL: https://freshcode-training.kwiga.com/courses/alice-javascript-developer/027-css-adaptivnist-zobrazhen-ta-video-half-day-practice