The avifauna of the park-sights of horticultural art "Park named after O.I. Yushchenko" in Vinnytsia


  • V. О. Pavlenko Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса


avifauna, dendrophylls, park-sights of horticultural art


The article presents the results of studies of avifauna on the territory of the park-monument of garden and park art of local importance «O. I. Yushchenko Park». A list of avifauna, which includes 36 species, is published. The dominance of representatives of the dendrophilous group of birds was confirmed, which is natural for the relief and vegetation of the research area. The research is a component of the comprehensive assessment of the state of biodiversity of the object of the nature reserve fund, which, in turn, is necessary for the implementation of the «Green Course of Vinnytsia» – the strategy of managing the natural resources of the urban territorial community.


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