Digital PR-technologies in USA and French Presidential Campaigns 2016-2017.
PR-technologies, digital-technologies, presidential elections, Big Data, social networksAbstract
This study provides information on digital PR technologies in the 2016-2017 presidential campaigns of the United States and France, on the specifics of using new types of PR technologies in presidential election campaigns in the United States and France in 2016-2017. The methodological basis of the work is the systematic approach based on the “Deutsch Communication Theory”, the behavioral approach – the “Magic Bullet Theory”. The “Theory of Propaganda by Harold Lasswell” was also applied, as well as the “Theory of Media Dependency”. The specificity of the topic under study provides for the application of a comparative method, namely: binary direct comparison (according to the principle of maximum similarity of countries), temporal (synchronous) comparison; content analysis; event analysis.References
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