Identity Dilemmas as the Element of the Great Britain Foreign Policy Tradition.


  • A.V. Shevchenko


Great Britain, dilemma of identity, foreign-policy tradition of Great Britain


This article considered the main sources of the origin of “identity dilemmas” through the prism of the foreign policy concepts of the British establishment since the end of the Second World War and to the present events. In the process of research, the following methods and approaches were used: a systematic approach that gave an opportunity to consider the phenomenon being studied as an integral element; as well as methods of induction and deduction, problem-historical method, and dialectical methods of research. The author concludes that there is a “systemic error” in the system of values and ideological landmarks of the state, which arose since the time of the end of the Second World War and transformed into an element of the foreign policy tradition of the state.


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History, philosophy, law