Journalistic argumentation in covering conflict situations: types, evidence, communicative logic.


  • V.V. Vdovychenko


argumentation in the media, logic, conflict coverage, Kerch conflict


The article is devoted to the research of journalistic argumentation in the conflict coverage. The specifics of the functioning of various types of arguments in the media are analyzed and media argumentation is investigated on the basis of a content analysis of the coverage of the incident in the Kerch Strait by Ukrainian and Russian media. Specific of researched subject provides the using of a descriptive-comparative method, a monitoring method and a content analysis, which allows to compare various types of arguments, see the difference in bringing conflicts to Russian and Ukrainian journalists, experts and politicians, helps to better understand the editorial policy of publications and see why Journalists appeal their arguments to logic or to personality and emotions.


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Філологія, журналістика, психологія