The semantic analysis of the causative existential verbs with the seme of negation (of the basic of the English language).
causation, existention, negation, verb, lexical semanticsAbstract
The main concern of the article is to carry out the semantic analysis of the causative existential verbs with the seme of negation on the basis of the English language corpus depending on the existential situation object (hereafter OES). The methodological basis presupposes the use of such methods and ways of linguistic analysis as differential and structural, contextual analysis. It has been established that causation, existence and negation are universal fundamental language categories. Quantitative analysis of the empiric material is done with the aim of identifying the productivity of the semantic types traced in the process of research. As a result, depending on the object of causation three main groups of causative existential verbs with the seme of negation were singled out, namely: the cessation of the existence of inanimate object, animate object and the abstract entities.References
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