Statistical analysis of the prospects for development of Ukraine`s insurance market.
insurance market, risk types of insurance, analysis, modeling and forecastingAbstract
The article substantiates that insurance is an effective way to protect the property interests of enterprises, the economic interests and the lives of citizens. However, the Ukrainian insurance market is in stagnation. There is a large imbalance between risk species and life insurance, the insurance market’s share of income in GDP remains insignificant compared to developed countries, and certain types of insurance are underdeveloped. With the help of general scientific and statistical methods, the state and dynamics of the insurance market were assessed, market capacity models were built, and a forecast of insurance premiums for risk types of insurance was developed. With the gradual growth of the economy, a positive development of the insurance market is expected.References
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Державна служба статистики України: Офіційний сайт. URL :