Mutual recognition of qualifications as a condition for the freedom to provide services.
EU law, qualifications, diploma, freedom of servicesAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of the procedure for the mutual recognition of qualifications and diplomas in the EU, which aims to remove any national obstacles to the implementation by EU business entities of the freedom of business foundation and the freedom to provide and receive services. The author substantiates that the mutual recognition of qualifications as a condition for the functioning of the freedom to provide services is based on the following basic principles. This is the principle of “mutual trust”, which consists in the fact that a member state cannot restrict the freedom of business foundation of the EU business entity only on the basis of the need for a national qualification to carry out certain professional activities in this country but should provide conditions for the recognition of the qualifications of EU business activities. As well as the principle of equality in which the member state where the services are provided has the right to regulate professional requirements exclusively without discrimination based on citizenship and also does not have the right to establish restrictions that impede the receipt of services by citizens of other EU member states.References
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