Language-etiquette units in Lesya Ukrainka`s letters.


  • V. O. Berbenets


category of politeness, epistolary communication, epistolary, language etiquette, languageetiquette units


Language-etiquette units of Lesya Ukrainka’s epistolary heritage is being analyzed in this work. Such functional categories of politeness in the letters to native people, friends, like-mindeds, namely: appeal, greeting, parting, ask, thanks, apology is analyzed. The attention is paid to language etiquette as functional subclass of the language with its grammar and punctuation. The paper analyzed linguistic peculiarities of epistolary text in general and the epistolary heritage of Lesya Ukrainka in particular, the choice of etiquette structures and their stylistic role is motivated. Peculiarity of researched subject provides the using of synchronous descriptive (this method is main in science work), structural semantic methods, method of contextual semantic analyze. And also the statistical, functional, contextual, quantitative methods. Were employed the methods of systematization and classification, and also the method of etymological analyze.


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