Analytical Causative Constructions with Compulsion and Permissive Verbs Based on the English Language (Based Theater by W. S. Moem).


  • N.S. Simoshchuk


causative construction, object, subject, compulsive verbs, permissive verbs


The main concern of the article is to analyse CCs with compulsion and permissive verbs based on the English language material in W. S Maugham’s novel «Theater». The methodological basis of the work includes three types of linguistic analysis: definition, componential, and quantitative, which are enhanced by methods of observation and comparison. As a result of the study, the sentences in which compulsion verbs and permissive verbs function as causative ones were singled out and analyzed. Quantitative calculations of the empirical material were performed to identify the productivity of subjects and objects, the most productive of which are CCs with permissive verbs, in which Y is an abstract entity, and in CCs with compulsive verbs, where X is an abstract entity.


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