Current state and tendencies of development of non-state pension funds in Ukraine.
pension system, solidarity system, non-state pension fund, insuranceAbstract
An important tool for social protection is the provision of pensions, which is the sole source of income for most disabled people. The Ukrainian society is in a demographic crisis, which is accompanied by the processes of external migration of young people and the low birth rate, which causes an increase in the share of older people. In such circumstances, a solidarity pension system cannot provide decent payments to future retirees, so research into the functioning of non-state pension funds is relevant and of practical importance. The purpose of this study is to analyze the current state of non-state domestic pension funds to determine the main trends in their development. The dynamics of the development of domestic non-state pension funds by the main indicators, the structure of their investment portfolio and its profitability, the main problems and the identified trends of development, outlined directions of further research are analyzed in the work.References
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