Certification of professional accountants (auditors) in the framework of preparation of modern professionals.
certification, professional accountant, auditor, professional associationsAbstract
The development of the profession in civil society involves the presence and active activity of professional organizations, as well as the process of professional development during life, which is carried out, in particular, in the framework of certification. The purpose of the article is to investigate the possibilities of certification of accounting employees, in particular, auditors, through professional organizations, including FPAAU. According to the results of the study, the following conclusions are drawn: certification is an integral feature of the training of a high-quality specialist in accounting and auditing, professional organizations play a leading role in its implementation, changing the nature of educational programs for training specialists in accounting and taxation of domestic higher education institutions should take into account the educational standards of the profession, in particular, lifelong learning. Research on the most popular areas of application of knowledge of a professional accountant (auditor) will be the direction of further search.References
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