Increasing consumer buying activity (on the example PJSC "Volodarka").
CRM-system, social networks, econometric model, marketing activities, model of brownAbstract
The article analyzes the key factors of increasing purchasing activity in enterprises. Their influence in the form of econometric model analysis was confirmed and the return on investment in the CRM system was calculated. Thanks to the correctly selected forecasting model, the dynamics of the purchasing activity on the example of PJSC “Volodarka” was accurately forecasted.
The main purpose of the study is to study purchasing activity, to find ways to improve them and to predict these results. The object of study is the economic activity of Vinnitsa enterprise PJSC "Volodarka", which specializes in the production of classic men's clothing. General and special methods of research were used in the work, namely: methods of analysis and synthesis, inductive method; methods of statistical analysis of indicators of economic activity of enterprises, methods of data extrapolation.
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