Employee Experience Managament as a condition for increasing the company's profitabilit.


  • T.V. Shaihorodska


experience management, Employee Experience Managament, investment


This article examines the concept of Employee Experience Managament as an innovative direction in personnel management. The analysis of modern researches of the world companies in the field of management of experience of employees is carried out. The application of this methodology is analyzed on the example of foreign companies and recommendations are given to create a model of positive employee experience.


Employee Experience. Everything HR needs to know to impact engagement through employee experience. PeopleDoc. URL : https://www.people-doc.com/hr-trends/everything-hr-needs-to-know-about-employee-experience.

Опыт сотрудников (Employee Experience) – новая сфера развития для HR-лидеров. Human Resources to Business. URL : https://hr2b.pro/blog/employee-experience-hr-lideram.

The employee experience: Culture, engagement, and beyond. Delloitte. URL : https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/insights/focus/human-capital-trends/2017/improving-the-employee-experienceculture-engagement.html.

15 brands taking the employee experience to the next level. NudgeRewards. URL : https://www.nudgerewards.com/blog/brands-taking-the-employee-experience-to-the-next-level/.


