Pecularities of functioning of an anarchic system of international relations of a lower order of organization


  • O.V. Voronetskyi


system of international relations; anarchic system of international relations of a lower order of organization; “beyond the system moment”; “Westphalian customary norms”


The essence and rules of functioning of an anarchic system of international relations of a lower order of organization are revealed. The research is based on the concepts of neorealism. In particular, the role of anarchy in regulating relations between actors, the place of “Westphalian customary norms” and the influence of “beyond the system moment” on the behavior of states are explained. There was an attempt to describe the anarchic system of international relations as an “open source” system and to predict the probable formation of the next system of higher-order international relations on the basis of the theory of polarity. The rather realistic variant of formation of two or three pole systems which can exist after the anarchic system of the lower order of the organization is specified.



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