Connotative onyms in a public text


  • T. V. Machulina


proper name; connotonym; context; public text; semantics


The connotative anthroponyms of the publicistic text are investigated. It was revealed the generating basis and the meaning of connotative units; the productive / nonproductive models are defined – explicit and implicit contexts, stating the appearance of a figurative meaning and confirming the transition of an onym into a connotonym. The question of the interaction of a connotonym – context is considered; the influence of the connotonym on the ideological and semantic figurativeness of the text is proved; the prospects for the development of connotonymy are determined. The work uses general philological techniques and methods of onomastic research: systematization and classification of connotative proper names; analysis of connotonyms in a minimal – extended context; contextual analysis of connotonyms; method of interpretation of a publicistic text with a connotonym.


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