Development of a mathematical cross-sense for 5th grade students secondary school by means of by means of logical thinking
cross-sense; logical thinking; lesson; ordinary fractions; new generation puzzle; educational process; non-traditional teaching methodsAbstract
The article provides information about one of the means for the development of logical thinking with the help of which students not only develop logically, but better remember the material presented and teach them to improve both independently and in a group. The specificity of the topic under study provides for a better assimilation of one than another topic in mathematics, fosters love for others and an interest in learning. In this development, a methodological goal is used in the form of the formation of a new lesson topic. An optional lesson was conducted with 5th grade students.
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Кроссенс – асоціативна головоломка нового покоління. URL: – Назва з екрану (дата звертання 03.10.2020 р.)