Social determinants of the law effectiveness


  • D.L. Drach


social determinants of the effectiveness of law; social nature of law; leaks of law; perception of law by society; manifestations of the impact of law on society; interaction of law with other factors; constant modernization of law


The article is dedicated on researching of the social determinants of the effectiveness of law. The essence and meaning of the certain social determinants of the effectiveness of law are comprehended with using of general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, dialectical, system-structural methods); the structural components of the social determinants of the effectiveness of law are distinguished and analyzed with using of private scientific methods (legal modeling, formal and legal method); special methods (cybernetic, synergistic, psychological methods) are used for finding out of features of impact of the investigated social determinants on the effectiveness of law. The author’s definition of the concept «the social determinants of the effectiveness of law» is suggested, such determinants are systematized in certain groups on the basis of different criteria, and also it is conducted a characteristic of appropriate social determinants of the effectiveness of law.


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