Typology of effectiveness and methods of headlines creation in modern English media discourse (based on the «National Geographic»)


  • I.S. Savchuk


headline-intrigue; headline-opinion; headline-proposal; headline-question; headline «questionanswer»


The paper is an attempt to typologize the headlines of the English magazine “National Geographic” according to the effectiveness and methods of their creation. The descriptive method comprehends the theoretical principles in the study of headlines in modern English media discourse for the complex presentation of the research results. The methodological basis of the work is structural-semantic and quantitative analysis. This makes it possible to systematize and classify linguistic material, identify the frequency of certain types and interpret their features. As a result of the research, the types of the “National Geographic” headlines were identified according to their effectiveness and the main methods of their creation were determined.


National Geographic. URL: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/ (дата звернення 10.09.2020).

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