Client-server application of electronic document management with integrated notification system (for state judicial organizations)
server; application; algorithm resolution; diagram court system; JAVA; FRAMEWORK; HIBERNATE; JDBC.Abstract
In today's world, humanity operates with an infinite amount of information, which is simply impossible to store and sort without aids. Therefore, the relevance of information systems today is very high. They help to organize, find and compare a certain data structure. This application is designed to optimize the work with documents, and especially resolutions. For the application to work properly, the document on which the resolution takes place must be registered and exist in the court system, and one of the most important issues is security, namely file protection, as these documents are in most cases not impersonal. To solve the main problems it is necessary to limit the use of this application – its use in one specific network. You will also be allowed to use the domain name to protect the privacy of the document. Today, this problem is extremely relevant, because when using any service the user provides certain personal information, and providing it the user must be confident in its protection, if the service can not guarantee the user, the quality of this software product is extremely low. This application was developed using Spring, Hibernate, MVC, DAO, JDBC frameworks. The use of selected technologies allowed to perform the task in full and create a basis for convenient expansion of functionality.
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