Peculiarities of the Language Behavior of the Character of the Work of Art and Translation on the Material of Discursive Fragments of D. Keyes’s novel Flowers for Algernon


  • D.О. Tabaran


translation; speech behavior; transformation; translator; a work of fiction


This study focuses on the study of the speech behavior of a character in a in a work of fiction and the peculiarities of its translation, namely: the influence of linguistic defects and intentional language distortion on the translation complexity to ensure its identity and adequacy. The translator’s transformations as a means of conveying the sense of the utterenceare studied and classified. The methodological basis of the work is a systematic approach, analysis of the examples. The subject of the study determines the use of a linguistics analysis of the originals, a contextual analysis method, a contrastive description method and a comparative method.


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Влахов С, Флорин С. «Непреводимое в преводе». Реалии – 1960. Издательство «Международные отношения». 328 с.

Keyes D. Flowers for Algernon. London: Orion Publishing Group, 2017. 216 p.

Деніел Кіз. Квіти для Елджернона / Укр. видання / 2018 р. 302 с.




