Work of fiction as a space for the realisation of intertexts. Adaptation of the narrow model of intertexuality in the latest interpretive versions of Jane Austen’s novel “Pride and Prejudice”


  • A.D. Polishchuk


intertextuality; narrow model of intertextuality; intertextual links


The article is devoted to the theory of intertextuality, models and means of its implementation within modern linguistic and literary spaces. The growth of interest to the current issue is justified by the general tendency of modern linguistic research to multifaceted text analysis and the need to clarify and analyze the characteristics of the implementation of intertextual narrow model into fiction literature. The materials for such study include the recipient texts "Pride, Prejudice and Zombies" by Seth Grahame-Smith and "Death Comes to Pemberley" by P.D. James where explicit markers such as quotes, reminiscences, allusions, stylization, parody etc. are widely revealed. The results of the study are also covered by quantitative analysis. The article is of theoretical and practical value for further research in this field.


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Parody in Literature. URL : (дата звернення: 18.02.2022)




